Site Remediation & Restoration

Decades of technical experience coupled with our understanding of our client needs and business goals results in the timely completion of remediation projects.

Site Remediation & Restoration

Whether an environmental impact was caused by a small spill event or long-term contamination, we repair the damage and restore value to the property efficiently, economically and predictably.

UST/AST Services

ESI provides a suite of services to commercial, industrial, and governmental Underground/Above Ground Storage Tank (UST/AST) system owners and operators.

We’ve consulted on thousands of projects involving system compliance management, tank retrofit and upgrade, testing services, abandonment, removal and closure certification, and follow-up assessment and rehabilitation for leaking storage tank sites.

Our teams are fully trained in OSHA health & safety requirements, purging & inerting techniques, confined space entry, excavation, and state and local tank regulations. We work with oil & gasoline tanks, as well as storage tanks containing flammable solvents, chlorinated organics, oxidizers, and a wide range of other chemical contaminants.

UST/AST Touchpoints

UST Excavation & Removal

Contaminated Soil Excavation & Removal

Soil & Groundwater Remediation

AST Decommissioning & Dismantling

Regulatory Negotiations & Reporting

Project Closure & Regulatory Certification

Dirty Dirt

“Dirty Dirt” refers to untested or uncharacterized fill sourced from construction, demolition, or land clearing sites being illegally transported to another site as clean fill.

Such dirty dirt may contain contaminated construction or demolition debris, including asbestos, asphalt, chemically treated wood, heavy metals, petroleum products, or chemical contaminants in concentrations above regulatory limits.

Besides the obvious health and safety risks, when a property owner takes delivery of such materials, they may also be taking on the potential environmental liability and become responsible for any future environmental impacts caused by the contaminated fill.

While prevention, through awareness and due diligence, is the best way to avoid falling into a dirty dirt pit, sometimes the promise of cheap (or even free) fill for a site is just too good of a deal to pass on. If the fill eventually turns out to be dirty, the contaminated material may have to be removed and appropriately disposed of, and the site cleaned and remediated.

Site Remediation

There are dozens of systems and processes available for reversing almost any pollution impact.  Some of them sound impressively complex and techy, and many of them are in the glossary on our resources page, but the most important thing is that…

They’re all in our toolbox.

The specific remedy that we employ on your site depends on a combination of factors unique to your project.

What are your expectations or requirements for the site?

Part of how we proceed with remediation depends on what your ultimate goals are for the property. Do you want to build a children’s cancer hospital or a daytime commuter parking lot? A community vegetable garden or a convenience store? Do you have all the time in the world to wait until nature takes its course, or is there a firm deadline for completing the remediation? What’s your budget for the project?

What are the characteristics of the site?

If we’ve already completed a thorough site investigation and assessment, we know the historic use of the property and what pollution impacts may have occurred over time. We also know the geology and hydrogeology of the site and surrounding area and how that affects the movement and spread of soil and groundwater contaminants.

What are the characteristics of the contamination?

Our site investigation also identified the specific pollutant(s), their concentrations around the property, the direction and depth of the contaminant plume, and the level of reduction required to meet regulatory limits.

With an informed and well developed strategy and a practical and efficient remedial design, our project teams deliver, install, and test any necessary on-site equipment and begin repairing the damage. Regular progress reports and client communication ensure a smooth and effective process that hits all of the scheduled milestones and results in a clean site and a fully compliant project closure.

Our clients depend on us to develop and execute a remediation strategy that’s appropriate to the site, that reaches the defined goals, that meets regulatory requirements, is within their budget and timeline, and that restores value to the property.

We do that. Every time.

Site Remediation Touchpoints

Some Things That We Do

Excavation, Removal, & Proper Disposal

In-Situ (on-site) Soil & Groundwater Remediation

Air Quality Management

Petroleum/Chemical Spill Cleanup

Building/Structure Decommissioning & Demolition

Remediation System Maintenance & Upgrades

Scheduled Testing, Benchmarking, & Compliance Reporting

Project Management

Contractor Oversight & Auditing

Community Engagement Management

Project Closure & Regulatory Certification

Everything That We Don't Do

Thanks for thinking of us, but we’ll take a pass on the
catastrophic nuclear power plant failure.

Groundwater Remediation

In some cases, groundwater conditions respond to periodic monitoring, appropriate use restrictions or protective barriers. In other instances, the best solution is active treatment and remediation. When cleanup is required, our systems are engineered to work quickly and avoid long term costs.

Soil Remediation

Soil contamination is among the most common types of property pollution. Remediation strategies for these conditions depend on the character, concentration and extent of damages. When active repair is impractical or too costly, alternative strategies such as property use restrictions, protective barriers and periodic monitoring may offer the best solutions.

How Can We Help?

We really want to help you resolve your environmental issues, but you have to take the first step.

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Corporate Headquarters
781 Route 15 South, 2nd Floor
Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849
973 398-8183

Philadelphia Office
973 810-9012 or 610 659-1433

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ESI is certified by the State of New Jersey as a Small Business Enterprise.
Cert.# A0138-79

©2024 Enviro-Sciences (of Delaware), Inc. (ESI). All rights reserved.